Vol. 31, issue 02, article # 1

Razenkov I. A. Turbulent lidar. II. Experiment. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 02. P. 81–89. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20180201 [in Russian].
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Results of field experiments at horizontal paths with the use of BSA-2 and BSA-3 turbulent lidars, principles and design of which have been described in the first part, are presented. Lidar BSA-2 operated at 2 km path together with the independent image jitter sensor (IJS). Lidar BSA-3 operated at a horizontal 26 km path. Lidar BSA-2 was used in the experiments aimed at the study of the shape of the backscatter amplification peak; the sounding was done with apertures of different sizes. The experimental dependence of the q-factor of the effect of turbulence depending on the size of the receiving aperture is derived, which agrees satisfactorily with V.V. Vorob’ev’s formula. The lidar sounding data and results of the data conversion into the structure constant of the “optical” turbulence C2n with the use of V.V. Vorob’ev approximation for homogeneous turbulence are presented. The sounding range was ~ 10 km. The correlation between lidar and image jitter sensor data is 0.7–0.8. The sounding in urban environment showed that the horizontal path is not statistically homogeneous; therefore, more complex procedures should be used for retrieval of the structure characteristic  in the future when solving the inverse problems of lidar sounding of turbulence.


atmospheric turbulence, backscatter amplification effect, lidar


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