Vol. 31, issue 06, article # 11

Buntov D. V., Gushchin R. A., Dazenko O. I. Four-channel photoelectric counter of saltating sand particles. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 06. P. 485–488. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20180611 [in Russian].
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A four-channel photoelectric counter has been worked out and manufactured for the measurements of saltating sand concentration fluctuations and size distribution function of particles with diameters > 30 mm over desertified areas. The measurement results are given. It is shown that the vertical profile of the saltating sand concentration does not change on average in the altitude range from 3 to 7 cm over a desertified area in the neighbourhood of Volga. The distribution function of saltating sand particles over the desertified area is approximated with satisfactory precision by the lognormal distribution near the distribution maximum. Noticeable distinctions between above mentioned distributions for large and small sand particles are observed.


sand wind flux, saltation, saltating sand particle concentration, particle size distribution, four-channel photoelectric counter, size distribution approximation, lognormal distribution


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