Vol. 31, issue 08, article # 1

Rodimova O. B. Continuum absorption in the IR CO2 spectrum. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 08. P. 595–600. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20180801 [in Russian].
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The Н2О and СО2 continuum absorption within the IR bands depends on the accepted bound of the local line contribution. Correlation between the maximum bound of the local line contribution and the line shape at large frequency detunings is observed for the 4.3, 2.7, 1.4, and 1.2 mm СО2 bands, H2O rotational band, and 1400–1900, 3500–3900, and 5200–5500 cm-1 Н2О bands. The continuum absorption can be unambiguously determined from measurement data in the band wings if it is assumed to be exhaustively continual there. Within the bands, the continuum absorption is ambiguously determined depending on the bound of the local line contribution.


carbon dioxide, continuum absorption, spectral line wings


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