Coherent properties of diffraction-free pseudo-Bessel optical beams propagating in a turbulent atmosphere are theoretically studied. The solution of the equation for the second-order transverse function of mutual coherence of the optical radiation field, derived from the paraxial approximation of the scalar wave equation, is analyzed. The behavior of the modulus and phase of the complex coherence degree, the coherence radius, and the integral scale of the coherence degree of a Bessel-Gaussian optical beam and a conic optical wave found through conic focusing of an optical beam by an axicon is studied for different parameters of the optical beam and turbulent atmosphere. Significant qualitative and quantitative differences are discovered between the studied coherence characteristics of a Bessel-Gaussian optical beam and a conic optical wave. In general, the coherence of a conic optical wave is higher than that of a Bessel-Gaussian optical beam under identical propagation conditions in a turbulent atmosphere.
Bessel beam, axicon, optical radiation, atmospheric turbulence, coherence
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