Vol. 33, issue 02, article # 6

Ponomarev N. A., Elansky N. F., Kirsanov A. A., Postylyakov O. V., Borovski A. N., Verevkin Y. M. The application of atmospheric chemical transport models to the validation of pollutant emissions in Moscow. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2020. V. 33. No. 02. P. 119–126. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20200206 [in Russian].
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According to long-term observations at the network of “MosEcoMonitoring” stations operating since the beginning of 2000s, CO, NO, NO2, SO2, and PM10 emissions from urban sources and their spatial distribution and temporal variability were calculated. The resulting emission matrix was used in the SILAM chemical transport model to assess air quality in the Moscow megacity. Based on the comparison of the calculations with the observation data using correlation relations and Student's criterion, the emission matrix was corrected. To optimize the spatial distribution of sources and the magnitude of emissions in the Moscow megacity, air pollutant fields for the summer and winter months were calculated using two chemical transport models SILAM and COSMO-ART, as well as calculated emissions and those taken from the TNO inventory database. Comparison of the calculation results for the two models using two emission matrices allowed us to reduce the uncertainties of air quality assessment in the Moscow region.


megacity, atmospheric composition, trace gases, emissions, numerical modeling, air quality


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