Vol. 33, issue 04, article # 12

Kuzmichev A. S., Nadezhdinskii A. I., Ponurovskii Ya. Ya., Stavrovskii D. B., Shapovalov Yu. P., Khattatov V. U., Galaktionov V. V. The first results of measuring carbon dioxide and methane concentrations by diode laser spectroscopy in various regions of the Russian Federation from the board of the Yak-42D Roshydromet aircraft laboratory. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2020. V. 33. No. 04. P. 321–325. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20200412 [in Russian].
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The first results of comparative measurements of altitude profiles of concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane from the aircraft laboratory YAK-42D "Roshydromet" are presented. The data were obtained both in real time using devices operating on the basis of diode laser spectroscopy and in laboratory conditions with the use of a Fourier spectrometer by processing air samples collected in special flasks during research flights.


diode laser, remote sounding, multipath optical cell, aircraft laboratory, the Arctic, methane, carbon dioxide


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