Vol. 33, issue 08, article # 4

Gerasimov V. V. Short-term stability of temperature retrieval functions in the traditional pure rotational Raman lidar technique. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2020. V. 33. No. 08. P. 604-612. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20200804 [in Russian].
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In the traditional pure rotational Raman (PRR) technique, air temperature is retrieved from lidar signals with a temperature retrieval function (TRF). The TRF coefficients are determined using a reference temperature profile from a model of the atmosphere or radiosonde data. In this work, we study the stability of several TRFs in time, i.e., we investigate to what extent the TRF coefficients determined on one of the measurement campaign days can be used to retrieve temperature on other days. We also analyze the situation when the reference data are absent on one of the measurement days (for example, due to a radiosonde fall) and the TRF coefficients are determined from the reference data over the remaining days. The stability of five TRFs is studied on the example of nighttime temperature profiles that were obtained using the IMCES PRR lidar (Tomsk) on April 6, 7, and 8, 2015. The function which retrieves the temperature in the troposphere (3–9 km) with the least errors for the considered three-day period has been determined.


Raman scattering, lidar, spectral line broadening, calibration function, tropospheric temperature


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