Vol. 33, issue 10, article # 10

Kopeikin V. M., Ponomareva T. Ta. Dependence of the soot content variations in the atmosphere of Moscow on the air mass transfer directions. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2020. V. 33. No. 10. P. 811–817. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20201010 [in Russian].
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The data on the concentration of soot CBC (black carbon, BC) in Moscow and the inverse 5-day trajectories of air mass transfer obtained between 2003 and 2014 were used to determine the influence of advection on the level of soot pollution of the air basin of Moscow and to determine the source regions of soot outside the city. According to the results of 12-year soot measurements in Moscow, it was shown that the СBC variations are determined by the nature of the air mass circulation in the troposphere. The period from June to September 2019 was also studied with the use of inverse 10-day air mass trajectories.


soot (black carbon, BC), mass concentration of aerosol, pollution of the atmosphere of megalopolises, reverse trajectories of air mass transfer


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