Vol. 37, issue 01, article # 10

Kabanov D. M., Kruglinsky I. A., Pochyufarov A. O., Sakerin S. M., Sidorova O. R., Turchinovich Yu. S. Spatial distribution and average characteristics of atmospheric aerosol in Kara Sea basin. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 01. P. 77–83. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240110 [in Russian].
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Based on the multiyear expedition studies in the Kara Sea basin (11 expeditions in 2007–2022), we presented for the first time a statistical generalization of the atmospheric aerosol characteristics: the volume contents of submicron and coarse aerosol (Vf и Vс), the black carbon concentrations (еВС) and the spectral aerosol optical depth (AOD) of the atmosphere. Increased content of submicron and absorbing (eBC) aerosol was clearly manifested in the average spatial distribution in the southwestern part of the Kara Sea and minimal content in the northern part. The difference in the average concentrations Vf and еВС between these regions is 30–60%. The average aerosol characteristics for the entire Kara Sea had been: the atmospheric AOD (0.5 mm) was 0.043 at the Ångström exponent 0.8; the concentrations еВС were 22.8 ng/m3; and the particle volumes Vf and Vс were 0.26 and 1.39 mm3/cm3 respectively. The average concentrations Vf and еВС over the Kara Sea are shown to be intermediate between the data from the “Cape Baranov” and the Barents Sea.


arctic atmosphere, aerosol, black carbon, Kara Sea


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