Vol. 37, issue 03, article # 4

Balandin S. F., Donchenko V. A., Myshkin V. F., Pavlov I. I., Pogodaev V. A., Khazan V. L., Khan V. A. The effect of electronic halos on the scattering properties of solid particles in the microwave range. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 03. P. 207–213. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240304 [in Russian].
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Physical processes occurring in aerodisperse media with solid particles in a laser channel during thermal emission of electrons from the particle surface and primary optical breakdown are considered. Estimates of the change in the refractive index during the formation of plasma halos around radiation-heated microparticles are given. The possibility of weak ionization of the air medium at a distance of several centimeters from the breakdown site is shown, due to the ionization of NO molecules and the course of a number of thermochemical reactions.


microparticle, laser radiation, heating, laser breakdown, thermal emission, conductivity, microwave reflection


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