Vol. 37, issue 03, article # 6

Starchenko A. V., Del I. V ., Odintsov S. L. Wind and gust forecasting in Tomsk with TSUNM3 model. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 03. P. 225–233. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240306 [in Russian].
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For short-term forecasting of weather periods characterized by strong winds with gusts in Tomsk, it is proposed to use the results of calculations based on the local weather numerical prediction model TSUNM3 (Tomsk State University Mesoscale Meteorological Model) in combination with semi-empirical formulas for estimating the scale of wind gusts. The comparison of the calculations and observations of meteorological parameters obtained for the conditions under consideration at the meteorological stations of the Common Use Center "Atmosphere" of IAO SB RAS, the AMIS-RF airport, and the Tomsk meteorological stations showed the prospects of using the model for numerical forecasting of this dangerous weather phenomenon. The results of the work are to be used for the development of an information and predictive system for early warning of dangerous wind gusts.


numerical weather prediction, wind gust, mesoscale model of numerical weather prediction TSUNM3


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