Vol. 37, issue 10, article # 9

Shishko V. A., Tkachev I. V., Timofeev D. N., Kustova N. V., Konoshonkin A. V. Optical properties of atmospheric ice crystals of arbitrary shape with different number of facets for problems of laser sensing. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 10. P. 868–873. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20241009 [in Russian].
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Solving of the light scattering problem of atmospheric ice crystals is necessary for the interpretation of laser sensing data of atmosphere. This article presents the results of calculating light backscattering matrices for ice atmospheric crystals of arbitrary shape. The number of faces for these particles is 15, 20, and 40 and the size range is from 10 to 300 mm. Calculations were carried out within the physical optics approximation for the case of arbitrary spatial orientation of particles and single light scattering. The wavelengths of the incident light are 0.532 and 1.064 mm. According to the statistical analysis of crystals, their optical properties slightly differ. It is shown that the optical properties of an etalon particle taken from the IAO SB RAS data bank is satisfied the above distribution. Thus, the results confirm the validity of using the database for the case of a large set of particles with the number of faces from 15 to 40. The results are necessary for constructing algorithms for the interpretation of data of lidar sounding of cirrus clouds.


physical optics, light backscattering, atmospheric crystals, arbitrary shape


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