Vol. 4, issue 04, article # 1

pdf Veretennikov V. V. On the effect of wind on the optical-microphysical characteteristics of coastal marine haze. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1991. V. 4. No. 04. P. 339-346.
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A method and some results of an interpretation of the spectral aerosol extinction coefficients of the atmosphere over a coastal marine region aimed at retrieving the quantitative information on the microstructure of a haze and its transformation caused by the wind velocity are presented. The effect of wind velocity on the relative content of the submicron and coarsely dispersed fractions is analyzed based on the solution of the inverse problem and the angular dependences of the aerosol scattering phase functions in the visible and IR are reconstructed for different wind velocities. The results obtained can be used in solving the problems of taking into account the transformation of the optical–microphysical properties of the haze under the effect of wind.