Vol. 5, issue 11, article # 18

pdf Kochanov V. P. Spectrum of stationary fluorescence excitation by nonmonochromatic radiation during the transition from a split ground state. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1992. V. 5. No. 11. P. 787-792.
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The effect of nonmonochromaticity of laser radiation, whose phase and amplitude are modulated by a random purely discontinuous Markovian process, on the fluorescence excitation spectrum has been studied analytically and by means of numerical calculations. It is shown that, for fairly high radiation intensities, the phase and amplitude modulations affect the line profile in essentially different ways. In particular, the amplitude modulation causes line splitting into four components. The latter is most pronounced in the case in which Einstein coefficients are the same for two allowed optical transitions at mean durations of random trains exceeding the radiative decay time of the upper level. A combined effect of the phase–amplitude modulation and collisions on the line profile is examined.