Vol. 6, issue 06, article # 15

pdf Voronov V. I., Elaev V. F., Ivanov A. I., Kirilov A. E., Polunin Yu. P., Soldatov A. N., Shumeiko A. S. Research and development of high-power sealed-off CuBr vapor lasers. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 727-730.
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Some results of investigations of a sealed-off CuBr-Laser with the diameter of the active zone of 6 cm and the length of 100 cm (without screening diaphragms) are presented. After 300 hours of work the output power of the laser radiation falled off by about 25 % due to a decrease of the discharge tube windows. An experimental unit of CuBr-Laser capable of delivering 50 W mean output power has been build up. Specifications of this device are given in this paper.