Vol. 8, issue 03, article # 7

pdf Degtyarev G. L., Makhan'ko A. V., Chernyavskii A. S. Algorithm for automatic adjustment of a segmented mirror to an arbitrary radiation source. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 03. P. 388-392.
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This paper describes the iteration method of compensation for wave–front (WF) distortions by means of intensity measurements at each iteration step in two parallel planes located close to the focal one. The algorithm for the above–indicated WF compensation has been constructed for a segmented adaptive mirror based on the physical model of image formation. Its mathematical interpretation is given. For small WF distortions, the algorithm is demonstrated to satisfy the convergence conditions. Examples of numerical simulation of the problem of compensation for WF distortion by the given method are presented.