Vol. 8, issue 11, article # 20

pdf Dzyubenko M. I., Maslov V. V., Pelipenko V. P., Shevchenko V. V., Pilipenko S. M., Kavetskas S. Yu., Erokhin A. A., Sorokin L. P., Usov I. A. Zond-1 laser lithotriptor. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 11. P. 1672-1675.
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Laser lithotriptor for crumbling calculi (stones) in the urinary or biliary system is discussed. The source of a power optical radiation is a flashlamp-pumped dye laser using iminocoumarin G-283 and operating at 530 nm wavelength in the repetitively pulsed regime with the pulse duration of 1 to 2 ms, pulse repetition rate of 1 to 10 Hz, and average power up to 2 W. The optical waveguide with 400-microne core is used.