Vol. 1, issue 02, article # 13

Voronov V. I., Evtushenko G. S., Egorov A. L., Elaev V. F., Karmanov G. A., Mal'tsev A. N., Mirza S. Yu., Soldatov A. N., Sukhanov V. B., Fedorov V. F., Filonov V. G., Yudin N. A. Distributed Feedback Dye Laser Pumped by Stabilized-Output Copper Vapor Laser. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 02. P. 86-91.
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DFB dye laser pumped by a stabilized CVL designed for laser spectroscopy, laser sounding of atmospheric aerosol parameters, etc. is reported. The dye laser configuration is the oscillator-amplifier chain in a single optical cell. The laser spectral line width was measured to be 0.02 nm for an average power of 0.2 W. The CVL average output was stabilized within 2% at a fixed PRR and the pulse energy stability was found to be within 5% for PRR's of 5-15 kHz. CVL provided average powers of 5 and 3 W for a plane-parallel laser cavity and an unstable resonator geometry, respectively.