Vol. 11, issue 02-03, article # 11

pdf Bychkov Yu. I., Makarov M. K., Yampolskaya S. A., Yastremskii A. G. 0-D model of a Xe-Cl laser. Problem on the discharge-pumping optimization. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1998. V. 11. No. 02-03. P. 132-136.
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We present in this paper some results of 0-D-modeling of a Xe-Cl laser. The values of the laser output energy calculated theoretically are in a good agreement with the experimentally measured ones. It is shown that approximately 10 HCl molecules, from the gas mixture of Ne:Xe:HCl = 1000:10:1, are consumed to produce one laser photon. Maximum energy density for this gas mixture is 1.6 J/l [HCl, mbar]. With the increase of HCl partial pressure the rate of HCl molecules consumption per one photon delivered increases. Thus in the same gas mixture at the proportions of 1000:10:2 12.2 HCl molecules are consumed per photon produced and the limiting output energy density is 1.2 J/l [HCl, mbar]. The possibility of achieving a significant increase in the energy output is shown owing to an increase of HCl content in the gas mixture provided the high uniformity of the pumping is maintained.