Evolution of an inhomogeneity in the electron density and electric field strength in the pumping discharge of a XeCl-laser is studied by a computer simulation. In this study we used a two-dimensional model developed based on the Laplace equation for the electric field potential, equation of the external electric circuitry, that, in addition allows for fundamental kinetic processes in the discharge. We show that an inhomogeneity of the electron density occurring at the initial moment in time leads to formation of a nonuniform electric field distribution. The electric field strength is lower at the inhomogeneity center the electron density is higher. The field reaches its maximum on the axis near the inhomogeneity boundary. The inhomogeneity of the electron density decreases with the progress in the discharge formation. As a result the electric field distribution becomes more uniform. The discharge becomes unstable at the stage of a step-wise ionization. The ionization rate is higher in the regions where the electron density is higher.