Vol. 11, issue 06, article # 2

pdf Rivin G. S., Klimova E. G., Kulikov A. I. Evaluation of the effect of climatic meteorological conditions on the pattern of aerosol distribution in the Siberian region. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1998. V. 11. No. 06. P. 487-491.
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A system for mathematical modeling of atmospheric processes is described and possible source regions of air masses that influence the aerosol distribution in the Novosibirsk region are preliminary evaluated by the method of tracing backward trajectories from climatic meteorological data. An algorithm based on the Lagrange method is used to calculate the backward trajectories. The trajectories so obtained are close to average trajectories for the same period and can be used to evaluate source regions of air masses typical of each month that influence the Novosibirsk region.