Vol. 11, issue 06, article # 6

pdf Penenko V. V., Tsvetova E. A. Structure of a complex of models for investigation of the interactions in the "Lake Baikal - regional atmosphere" system. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1998. V. 11. No. 06. P. 507-513.
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We formulate here some idea and main principles of constructing a complex of models for the “Lake — Regional atmosphere” system. Following this concept, we propose the structure of the complex of four models: a lake model, mesoregional and hemispheric models of the atmosphere, and the model of the immediate interaction of the lake and the atmosphere. The agreement of the descriptions of the functional content of all the models and processes, as well as the construction of numerical schemes and computation algorithms, is performed using the variational principle in a combination the splitting and decomposition techniques.