Vol. 11, issue 10, article # 12

pdf Gorchakov G. I., Shishkov P. I., Kopeikin V. M., Emilenko A. S., Isakov A. A., Zakharova P. V., Sidorov V. N., Shukurov K. A. Lidar nephelometric sounding of arid aerosol. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1998. V. 11. No. 10. P. 958-962.
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The structure of the aerosol convective boundary layer of the atmosphere is studied. It is shown that the vertical transfer in the boundary atmospheric layer has a structure of large-scale convective cells. The process of wind carry-over of aerosol from the underlying surface under conditions of convection is revealed. This process is determined by wind gusts about 100 s long.