Vol. 14, issue 01, article # 5

pdf Mikhailov V. M. Ordering (grouping) schemes for rotational-vibrational perturbations in quasi-rigid molecules. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2001. V. 14. No. 01. P. 15-28.
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The principles of the theory of linked ordering schemes of rotational-vibrational interactions have been developed for quasi-rigid molecules. Within the confines of the developed theory, the problem of indeterminacy of effective Hamiltonians is formulated and solved for the first time. The dependence of reduction contact transformation generators on ordering schemes in the problem of accidental resonance interactions has been proved. Physical interpretation is given to limiting ordering schemes of rotational-vibrational interactions. The "unravel technique" of exponential operators is applied to evaluation of the relationships between vibrational contact transformation generators in the Watson-Mikhailov limiting ordering schemes and in the Amat-Nielsen scheme with an integer lambda-order. For dipole moments of rotational transitions in the ground and excited vibrational states, nonpolinomial models in the Pade form have been developed for the first time within the framework of the theory of linked rotational-vibrational interactions.