Vol. 2, issue 09, article # 10

pdf Rozanov V. V., Kostsov V. S. Interpretation of ground-based radiometric measurements in the 0.8-1.35 cm region including a parameterization of systematic errors. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1989. V. 2. No. 09. P. 804-811.
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A simple parametrization consisting of linear functions of the brightness temperature corresponding to the "average" state of the atmosphere is proposed for the purpose of representing certain components of the systematic error which may occur regardless of radiometer design during spectral-angular measurements of the brightness temperature from the downwelling radiation in the wavelength region 0.81-1.35 cm. The accuracy of the proposed approach in eliminating the influence of such systematic errors is investigated using the results of numerical experiments and of processing SHF radiometric measurements. In particular, it is shown that the suggested method makes it possible to solve an essentially nonlinear inverse problem in the remote sensing of humidity without employing any special iteration algorithms.


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