Vol. 2, issue 09, article # 14

pdf Zvenigorodskii S. G., Krivobok A. A. On calculations the characteristics of radiation fields in numerical models of atmospheric processes. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1989. V. 2. No. 09. P. 827-831.
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The possibility of using a simplified two-flux method to calculate the radiation characteristics in the UV and visible ranges for radiative-convective and photochemical models of the atmosphere is analyzed in this paper. The results of comparing thus technique to the exact D-Eddington scheme are presented. It is shown that when calculating the upward and downward radiation fluxes the simplified method saves a considerable amount of computer time, the accuracy of calculations remaining at a satisfactory level (10-15%). This is of particular importance for atmospheric models since the radiation code is frequently addressed during the calculation procedure.
The paper also illustrated the capabilities of this algorithm in its account of the effects of clouds and the respective radiation field transformations, which are very important when modeling the gaseous composition of the atmosphere.


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