Vol. 2, issue 11, article # 15

pdf Baibakov M. L., Kabanov D. M., Martynov A. D., Sakerin S. M., Trofimov Yu. S. Programmable spectrophotometric complex for airborne laboratory. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1989. V. 2. No. 11. P. 1032-1037.
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An automated spectrophotometric complex for the AN-30 airborne laboratory is described. This complex permits recording and processing background signals due to the outgoing atmospheric radiation and the radiation from the underlying surface in the short-wavelength (0.44 - 1.6 μm) and infrared (8 - 15 μm) ranges of the spectrum with different viewing angles taken into account corrections for the instantaneous value of the rolling and pitching angles of the aircraft. A number of programmable operating regimes of the complex are studied.


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2. M.V. Kabanov, D.M. Kabanov, and S.M. Sakerin, Opt. Atmos., 1, No. 1, 107 (1988].
3. V.E. Zuev, A.S. Selivanov, V.V. Fomin, et al., Opt. Atmos., 1, No. 11, 76 (1988).