Vol. 21, issue 01, article # 5

pdf Kaul B. V., Samokhvalov I. V. Physical factors determining the particle spatial orientation in ice clouds. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 01. P. 20-26.
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The aerodynamic and electrostatic effects on the cloud ice particles have been considered. The plate- and column-shaped cloud particles are modeled as oblate spheroids and prolate rotational ellipsoids. We obtained the formulas for functions of the size distribution over the angles of polar and azimuthal orientation in the polydisperse ensembles of the plate and columnar particles in the case of the combined effect of aerodynamic and electrostatic effect on them under the conditions of destructive influence on the process of the orientation from thermal motion of air molecules and air turbulence.