Vol. 21, issue 07, article # 7

pdf Belan B. D., Ivlev G. A., Sklyadneva T. K. Variations of UV-B radiation in Tomsk in 2003-2007. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 07. P. 535-539.
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The results of the UV-B radiation monitoring carried out with UVB-1 pyranometer and Brewer spectrophotometer (MKIV No. 049) at the TOR station of IAO SB RAS (Tomsk) in 2003-2007 are presented. It is shown that main contribution into the annual income of UV-B radiation falls on the warm season with maximum in June. There is a spring increase of daily income in the annual-average behavior of UV-B radiation in April with a subsequent attenuation to the beginning of May, as well as fluctuations (10-15-day period) in daily income with typical peaks during summertime. Maximal variability in spectral behavior was observed in a 295-310 nm range, (Haggis band), which varies from year to year.


atmosphere, UV radiation, total ozone content, cloud amount