Vol. 21, issue 08, article # 11

pdf Alekseev S. B., Medvedev Yu. V., Orlovskii V. M., Panarin V. A., Polygalov Yu. I., Suslov A. I., Zimakov V. P. Dynamics of natural gas conversion in the throttling mode under VUV-irradiation. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 08. P. 608-612.
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Effect of irradiation by a Xe2-excilamp (λ = 172 nm) on conversion dynamics of natural gas containing water vapor in the throttling mode is studied. A gain in the gas condensate yield by a factor of 2-3 is achieved under hard VUV irradiation of the flowing natural gas. It is pointed, that separation of the condensate from natural gas is based on the effect of induced condensation under the action of VUV photons, which form active centers (excited particles, ions, and radicals). In this case, non-equilibrium condensation occurs around active centers, such as positive and negative ions, and the induced condensation is provided for at vapor pressures essentially lower than the saturated one. Performed calculations have shown that energy consumption for the induced condensation is one-two orders of magnitude less than the energy spent for formation of one active particle, namely, excited molecule, radical, or ion. Measurements of water content in the gas flow demonstrate that VUV-irradiation of the gas, when throttling, reduces the concentration of water by a factor of ~ 1.5. Thus, gas irradiation in the throttling mode allows a gain in the condensate yield and the decrease of the H2O concentration.


Xe2 excilamps, natural gas conversion, effect of stimulated condensation, non-equilibrium condensation