Vol. 21, issue 10, article # 11

pdf Bukin O. A., Kulchin Yu. N., Pavlov A. N., Stolyarchuk S. Yu., Shmirko K. A. Peculiarities of the height ozone distribution within the transition zone “continent–ocean” by the lidar sensing data. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 10. P. 769-774.
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The results of the atmospheric ozone lidar measurements in transitional “ocean–continent” region in wintertime of 2008 are presented. A concise description of the research equipment is presented as well. The features of the vertical ozone distribution are underlined and a possible explanation of the observed phenomena is suggested based on the trajectory analysis.


differential absorption lidar, stratified structure of altitude ozone distribution, jet streams