Vol. 24, issue 04, article # 10

Protasevich A. E., Tikhomirov B. A. Thе shape of photoacoustic signal, generated due to multi-photon absorption of Gaussian laser pulses. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2011. V. 24. No. 04. P. 328-330 [in Russian].
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Mathematical expressions for the shape and amplitude of photoacoustic signal generated due to the multi-photon absorption of Gaussian laser pulses are derived. It was found out that the sensitivity of photoacoustic spectrometer increases in proportion to n3/4, where n is the nonlinearity degree, when the absorption is changed from linear one-photon to nonlinear multi-photon one. The calibration of photoacoustic spectrometer, used in the measurements of multi-photon absorption cross sections, are discussed.


multi-photon absorption, calibration of photoacoustic spectrometer