Bibliographic reference:
Gribanov K. G., Zakharov V. I., Beresnev S. A., Rokotyan N. V., Poddubnyi V. A., Imasu R., Chistyakov P. A., Skorik G. G., Vasin V. V. The sounding of HDO/H2O in Ural's atmosphere using ground-based measurements of IR-solar radiation with high spectral resolution. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2011. V. 24. No. 02. P. 124-127 [in Russian].
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Bibliographic reference to english version:
Gribanov K.G., Zakharov V.I., Beresnev S. A., Rokotyan N.V., Poddubny V.A., Imasu R., Chistyakov P.A., Skorik G.G., and Vasin V.V. Sensing HDO/H2O in the Ural’s Atmosphere Using Ground-Based Measurements of IR Solar Radiation with a High Spectral Resolution. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2011, V. 24. No. 04. pp. 369–372.
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