Vol. 24, issue 06, article # 11

Rokotyan N. V., Gribanov K. G., Zakharov V. I. Effect of temperature-independent absorption and its use in remote sensing of atmospheric carbon gases. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2011. V. 24. No. 06. P. 510-515 [in Russian].
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Temperature uncertainty, existing in the solution of inverse problem of retrieval of concentration of atmospheric gases from satellite and ground-based high resolution IR spectra, can be eliminated by using vibrational-rotational spectral lines of atmospheric molecules with the effect of temperature-independent absorption. Absorption coefficient of the lines is virtually independent on temperature variations at a given temperature interval. This paper presents criteria and algorithm of temperature-independent lines selection with a list of selected isolated temperature-independent lines from HITRAN-2004 database for CH4 and CO2 molecules from spectral region of 4000-9000 cm-1 for temperature interval of 220-310°K. The selected lines were applied for atmospheric CH4 and CO2 retrieval from high-resolution IR spectra of the atmosphere, obtained in the Ural Atmospheric Fourier Station in Kourovka.


temperature-independent absorption, remote sensing, FTIR spectrometry, greenhouse gases