Vol. 24, issue 07, article # 13

Filonov A. G. On the effect of HBr on the kinetics of the CuBr vapor laser active medium. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2011. V. 24. No. 07. P. 623-629 [in Russian].
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The mechanism of interdependence of the effect of CuBr and HBr pressures on the generation power has been determined on a basis of analysis of results of experimental study of the operation of CuBr-Ne-HBr-laser in the pulse train operating condition. Some aspects of the active medium kinetics have been revealed, which were connected with the formation and departure of copper atoms under conditions of a pulse-periodic discharge. It is shown that prepulse residual electrons can play an active role in the formation of pure copper vapors since the voltage application to a discharge gap and up to the onset of a generation pulse.


laser, metal vapors, copper bromide, bromine hydrogen