Vol. 24, issue 09, article # 13

Mamysheva A. A., Odintsov S. L. Experimental estimate of turbulent kinetic energy in the near-surface layer over urban area. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2011. V. 24. No. 09. P. 817-827 [in Russian].
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The paper presents the results of analysis of turbulent kinetic energy, inferred from long-term experimental observations in the near-surface layer over urban area. The dependence of the turbulent kinetic energy on the wind speed and direction is considered. The specific features of this dependence, arising due to the effect of elements of the urban environment, and the possibility of its parameterization with the help of power-law function are discussed.


turbulent kinetic energy, wind direction, wind velocity, atmospheric surface layer, sonic anemometer