Vol. 24, issue 09, article # 9

Uzhegova N. V., Аntokhin P. N., Belan B. D., Ivlev G. A., Kozlov A. V., Fofonov A. V. Daily variations of Tomsk air characteristics in cold season. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2011. V. 24. No. 09. P. 782-789 [in Russian].
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Daily variations of thermodynamics characteristics, gas and aerosol composition of city air in cold season using the AKV-2 mobile station is studied in the paper by the example of Tomsk. Two area mapping were made in the daytime and in the evening, as well as diurnal measuring at a fixed point near a busy city crossroad. We have researched daily dynamics of meteorological characteristics and air pollutants by means of the mobile station and revealed the most polluted districts in different times of day. The experiment has shown that air pollutants are accumulated in city atmosphere in conditions of steady winter anticyclone, especially in the evening, because the surface temperature inversion is already arisen, but traffic is still busy. Diurnal research near a busy crossroad has shown that the NO2 concentration significantly exceeds the maximum daily-average permissible concentration.


anthropogenic, atmosphere, aerosol, air, gas, city, pollution, a map, mobile station, urban, suburban, distribution