Vol. 24, issue 10, article # 6

Burlakov V. D., Dolgii S. I., Nevzorov A. V., Samokhvalov I. V., Nasonov S. V., Zhivotenyuk I. V., El'nikov A. V., Nazarov E. V., Plusnin I. I., Shikhantsov A. M. Traces of eruption of Eyjafjallajokull volcano according to data of lidar observations in Tomsk and Surgut. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2011. V. 24. No. 10. P. 872-879 [in Russian].
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We present the results of lidar measurements of the vertical distribution of the optical characteristics of anomalous aerosol features in the atmosphere and polarization state of backscattered sensing radiation, obtained in Tomsk (56.48°N; 85.05°E) and Surgut (61.25°N; 73.43°E) in April - May 2010. Data of measurements, with employment of back trajectory analysis of air mass transport in the atmosphere according to the NOAA HYSPLIT MODEL, showed that the observed anomalous aerosol features were due to transport of eruption products of Icelandic Eyjafjallajokull volcano (April 14, 2010). First traces of the volcanic eruption were recorded in the troposphere over Tomsk on April 19, on the whole the volcanic aerosol resided in the troposphere for about 10 days, and it penetrated to the stratosphere insignificantly; as a result, no marked, long-term radiation-temperature effects were exerted.


atmosphere, volcanic aerosol, laser sensing