Vol. 24, issue 11, article # 5

Bulygin A. D., Zemlyanov A. A., Zemlyanov Al. A. Theoretical description of the spectral energy distribution light of Rhodamine 6G molecules dissolved in spherical ethanol microparticle under femtosecond laser impact. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2011. V. 24. No. 11. P. 954-959 [in Russian].
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Spectral energy distribution light of Rhodamine 6G molecules dissolved in spherical ethanol microparticle under femtosecond laser impact was explained by methods of numerical of the equation for Wigner function. Correlation between experimental data and numerical data is possible only when taking into account spatial inhomogeneity of the exited matter in the droplet focus.


femtosecond laser radiation, superfluorescence, multiphoton absorbtion