Bibliographic reference:
Bychkov V. V., Perezhogin A. S., Shevtsov B. M., Marichev V. N., Matvienko G. G., Belov A. S., Cheremisin A. A., Perezhogin Al.. S. Lidar observations of aerosol appearance in the middle atmosphere of Kamchatka in 2007-2011. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2012. V. 25. No. 01. P. 87-93 [in Russian].
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Bibliographic reference to english version:
Bychkov V.V., Perezhogin A.S., Perezhogin A.S., Shevtsov B.M., Marichev V.N., Matvienko G.G., Belov A.S., and Cheremisin A.A. Lidar Observations of Aerosol Occurrence in the Middle Atmosphere of Kamchatka in 2007–2011. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2012, V. 25. No. 03. pp. 228–235.
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