Vol. 25, issue 06, article # 6

Gorchakov G. I., Karpov A. V., Sokolov A. V., Buntov D. V., Zlobin I. A. Experimental and theoretical investigation of the saltating sand trajectories over desertificated areas. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2012. V. 25. No. 06. P. 501–506 [in Russian].
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An experimental and theoretical investigation of the sand particle transport processes over desertificated areas in the lower layer of the saltation has been carried out. Saltating sand trajectories were reconstructed by means of the high-speed video recording. Instantaneous profile example for saltating sand concentration in layer from 0 to 40 mm has been presented. The numerical model of the sand particle movement in the near-surface layer of the atmosphere was worked out. An influence analysis of the model parameters on the saltating sand trajectories was carried out. The solution method of the inverse problem for the task of the saltating sand dynamics has been proposed. Determination examples of the dynamics parameters from the saltating sand trajectories observed were given.


wind sand flux, sand particle trajectories, inverse problem of the saltating sand dynamics