Vol. 25, issue 08, article # 8

Bukin O. A., Kulchin Yu. N., Pavlov A. N., Stolyarchuk S. Yu., Shmirko K. A. Characteristics and dynamics of the boundary layer structure in the “land–ocean” zone. Part 1. Winter period. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2012. V. 25. No. 08. P. 694–701 [in Russian].
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This work contains results connected with boundary layer structure and dynamics investigation in Far East ocean-continent zone in wintertime by means of aerosol lidar. Mean values of PBL height, top of the convective layer, and mean height of the nocturnal layer are presented. Special attention is paid to the analysis and explanation of well-developed convection in nocturnal boundary layer. It was found that it is due to low-level jet stream and higher cooling heights values in Far East than at other locations.


lidar sounding of the atmosphere, planetary boundary layer, transitional ocean–continent zone, dust storms