Vol. 26, issue 02, article # 13

Lukin V. P. Adaptive system for forming laser beams in atmosphere with the use of incoherent images as reference sources. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 02. P. 175-181 [in Russian].
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The adaptive focusing of the coherent radiation beam in the turbulent atmosphere is considered. The calculation is executed of the distribution of average intensity of the field of the coherent laser beam, focused in turbulent ambience when using the adaptive phase correction with the incoherent source image as a reference source. Possibility of using the measurement data of image jitter is shown under adaptive focusing of the coherent radiation beam. The phase measurements can be implemented in such a scheme by means of a Hartmann wave-front sensor.


correction, reference source, image, phase, coherence