Vol. 26, issue 02, article # 6

Komarov V. S., Lomakina N. Ya., Ilin S. N., Nakhtigalova D. P. Long-term changes of humidity conditions within the atmospheric boundary layer over Siberia. Part 1. Changes of annual average humidity. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 02. P. 132-139 [in Russian].
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It has been found that the type of change of annual average humidity within the atmospheric boundary layer of Siberia for the last 30 years approximately repeats the spatial distribution of annual average temperature. In this case while the appreciable warming and air humidity rising is observed in the polar regions (70°N) and in the subpolar zone (60-70°N) of Eastern Siberia, their synchronous fall is occurred in the same zone of West Siberia. Changes of annual average humidity do not correspond to the changes of annual average temperature (at 30-year increase of temperature, the humidity decreases) in the moderate zone of Siberian region practically within the all atmospheric boundary layer. It is shown that in 2001-2010 the appreciable fall of air temperature and humidity predominates in the all atmospheric boundary layer of the most part of Siberia.


long-term changes, linear trends, average annual air humidity, the atmospheric boundary layer, Siberian region