Vol. 26, issue 03, article # 5

Fedotov Yu. V., Matrosova O. A., Belov M. L., Gorodnichev V. A. Method of detection of oil pollution on the earth's surface based on fluorescence radiation recording within three narrow spectral bands. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 03. P. 208-212 [in Russian].
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The problem of detection of oil pollution on the earth's surface is considered. The results of experimental investigations of laser-induced fluorescence spectra of petroleum products, and petroleum products on earth's surfaces are presented. It is shown that the use of a laser method, based on fluorescence radiation recording within three narrow spectral bands, allows detection of oil pollution on the earth's surfaces with a probability of correct classification close to unity, and small probability of false alarm.


laser, fluorescence spectra, oil pollution, earth's surface, detection