Vol. 26, issue 05, article # 2

Zemlyanov A. A., Bulygin A. D., Geints Yu. E. Energy light structures during femtosecond laser radiation filamentation in air. To the 50th anniversary of the first publication of light self-focusing. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 05. P. 350-362 [in Russian].
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A class of energy light structures in nonlinear wave physics, so called diffraction-beam tubes in a self-focusing dissipative medium, is established. It is shown that their interaction along a propagation distance of high-power femtosecond laser radiation forms areas of light energy localization, stable in the sense of the physical characteristics, i.e., filament and post-filamentation channel, as well as conservative periphery. Stabilization of boundaries of the mentioned areas is provided by additional contraction of diffractive nature from the side of periphery. The dependences of filamentation length of a laser pulse on power and beam radius and the fact of high intensity conservation in the post-filamentation light channel are interpreted using this concept.


self-focusing, filamentation, refocusing, diffraction-beam tube