Vol. 26, issue 06, article # 1

Vinogradova A. A., Veremeichik A. O. Model estimates of anthropogenic black carbon concentration in the Russian Arctic atmosphere. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 06. P. 443-451 [in Russian].
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The first model estimates of anthropogenic black carbon (BC) transport in the atmosphere from Russian towns and regions to Nenetzky Nature Reserve (in the Pechora River Delta) have been made. The analysis was based on 10-year (2001-2010) everyday air mass transport trajectories for January, April, July, and October (HYSPLIT4 model, http://www.arl.noaa.gov/ready). The average (through 10 years) spatial distributions of source efficiancy in air pollution near the Reserve were calculated and presented on maps for different seasons. These results could be of use to analyze atmospheric pollution transport with fine aerosol particles from man-made sources existing today or planed, as well as from extended sources (such as wood and grass fires). The numerical estimates of anthropogenic BC concentrations in air and precipitations, as well as ВС fluxes onto the surface in the area of Nenetzky Reserve are included in the article. The computed results are in reasonable agreement with experimental data and other calculations. Also, we discuss the main aspects of modeling BC atmospheric transport and present short review of recent measuring and modeling investigations in this brunch for the Russian Arctic.


black carbon, soot, atmospheric transport, Arctic, atmospheric pollution, environment, Russian Nature Reserves


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