Vol. 26, issue 07, article # 12

Gubarev F. A., Trigub M. V., Evtushenko G. S., Fedorov K. V. Influence of discharge circuit inductance on output characteristics of CuBr laser. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 07. P. 604-609 [in Russian].
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The dependence of energy characteristics of a CuBr laser of an average active volume with and without HBr addition on the rate of the current rise is under study. The variation of the energy characteristics is conditioned by connecting an additional inductance in the discharge circuit. It is shown that at the increase of the inductance up to 4 mH, the average lasing power of the CuBr laser decreases tenfold. Under similar conditions, the average generation power of the CuBr laser with HBr addition decreases by less than two orders of magnitude. The portion of yellow line generation also changes by a less degree. Thus, the presence of the electronegative addition to the CuBr laser active medium decreases requirements to the pulse power supply.


metal-vapor laser, copper-bromide laser, current rise rate, discharge circuit, efficiency


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