Vol. 26, issue 12, article # 1

Vorob'ev V. V., Vinogradov A. G. Effect of background turbulence in lidar investigations of clear air turbulence. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 12. P. 1015–1022 [in Russian].
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Effect of atmospheric turbulence on power fluctuations of backscattered laser radiation at lidar receiving aperture is estimated. The estimates are obtained for divergent laser beams with the Gaussian intensity distribution in the Rytov approximation. Simple analytic formulas are suggested as estimators of the variance of received power fluctuations. Estimates showed that, for paths of length about 10 km and radii of sounding region about 1 m, root square values of relative power fluctuations can be comparable with relative variation of the received power at changing sounding from atmospheric regions with background turbulence to highly turbulent regions (clear air turbulence).


lidars, fluctuations of backscattered laser radiation, clear air turbulence


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