Vol. 26, issue 12, article # 2

Banakh V. A., Zhmylevski V. V., Ignat'ev A. B., Morozov V. V., Tsvyk R. Sh., Shesternin A. N. Mitigation of laser beam initial distortions with the use of radiation scattered by a screen as a control signal for flexible mirror. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 12. P. 1023–1028 [in Russian].
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Results of the atmospheric experiments on adaptive correction of the initial wave front aberrations of laser beams of visible and infrared wave range are present. The measured mean power of the laser beam radiation backscattered by a diffuse screen was used for adaptive control for the flexible mirror. It is shown that the efficiency of mitigation of the initial wave front aberrations increases with decreasing the receiver diaphragm diameter. Data of the experiments agree with the results of the qualitative analysis of efficiency of the used experimental set up for mitigation of the wave front aberrations.


laser beam, adaptive mirror, backscatter, aberrations


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